Meet Brian
(That’s a photo of Nutmeg the Beauty Pooch. Our first baby.)
Anyhoo… I’m a father, a small business owner, a municipal official, and an attorney with over a decade of experience. I believe we’re blessed to live in a country with a strong legal system. (That’s not to say it’s perfect - far from it!) I want to help my fellow citizens better understand our system so that they can be empowered to make change.
Some biographical information, in case you’re interested:
I was born and raised in Massachusetts. My mom was a public school teacher and my dad worked for Blue Cross back in the days when family premiums were less than $100. My sister (Kristin) and I grew up in a close-knit town, and we’re products of the public school system. Because people in my community invested in my future, I was able to pursue my undergraduate degree at Harvard.
After graduating in 2003, I received a Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Fellowship that allowed me to do public health work in India for nearly 18 months. When I returned to the United States, I accepted a job in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office as a trial preparation assistant in the Frauds Bureau.
In 2005, while working full-time and applying to law school, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. I was fortunate to have access to excellent insurance coverage through the plan offered by my mother’s school district, and I was successfully treated with surgery and radiation.
I entered Cornell Law School in 2006 and met my future husband, Matt Savoie. After graduating, we moved back to Massachusetts in 2009 to begin our legal careers, and we tied the knot in 2012.
As an attorney, I’ve worked in a variety of settings, including the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, the Massachusetts Appeals Court, a major international law firm (WilmerHale), and non-profit organizations. Most recently, I have been serving as pro bono counsel to American Promise, a non-profit that’s fighting to undo the damage of Citizens United and other misguided campaign finance decisions.
As a municipal official, I currently serve as Chair of my town’s Finance Committee, Vice-Chair of the Master Planning Steering Committee, and Co-Chair of the Housing Production Plan Committee. I was also recently appointed to serve on the Governor’s Local Government Advisory Commission.
My husband and I live in Bolton, Massachusetts with our young son and our dog, Nutmeg (who’s only the most beautiful pooch in the world).